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Tag: Liqueur

12/2007 MANGUIN N1 LIQUEUR AUX PLANTES D’ABSINTHEWe sipped this liqueur straight and found it extremely smooth. Our eyes popped when we saw it was 55% alcohol –110 proof– and designed to be consumed the same way as absinthe, cut withContinue reading


7/2007 T&W LEMONELLA LIQUEURI can’t say that we’ve tasted many lemon liqueurs that were much good. What puts us off most frequently is the faux lemon aroma and the super sugary taste. You won’t find these characteristics in T&W LEMONELLAContinue reading


2/2007 PALLINI LIMONCELLO LIQUEURThis is a solid lemoncello; keep it in the fridge, serve it straight up, and take your small pours in a few gulps. Its sweet and lemony but not, unlike some lemoncellos, overwhelming. Dare we call itContinue reading
